Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (2024)

Throughout any Risk Of Rain 2 run, you'll come out with a ton of items in your inventory. Some of these items you might end up with are Lunar Items. These are represented by a blue aura surrounding them and offer huge buffs at the cost of significant debuffs.


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Lunar Items can only be acquired by spending Lunar Coins. They are available in either Lunar Pods scattered around the various maps or for purchase at the Bazaar Between Time. Since Lunar Items can greatly change the way a run is played, it's important to know what every one of them does.

Updated March 12, 2024 by Jacqueline Zalace: Some Lunar items pair best with specific survivors in Risk of Rain 2. As such, we've added information on the best survivor to use for certain items. Not every item pairs well with someone, so we've only mentioned this on items where this is the case.

How To Acquire Lunar Items

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (2)

Unlike other items, there are only two ways to actually obtain Lunar Items. They do not spawn from regular chests or bosses, but instead can only be obtained through Lunar Pods or bought at the Bazaar Between Time. Both ways will require Lunar Coins, which have four ways of being obtained.

They can be randomly dropped by an enemy, dropped by using the Forgive Me Please item, obliterating yourself at the Obelisk (you will get more if you have the Beads of Fealty and defeat the boss), and completing the game by defeating the main boss and escaping. Lunar Coins will always carry over between runs.

Lunar Pods are scattered through the maps and can be opened for one Lunar Coin. These will always contain a Lunar Item, though the item it drops is random. There is a special kind of Lunar Pod called Lunar Buds at the Bazaar Between Time that costs two Lunar Coins instead, but you will know what Lunar Item you are buying.

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (3)

To access the Bazaar Between Time, you have to find a Newt Alatar that costs one Lunar Coin to activate. Three to five Newt Altars spawn on each level.

After activating it, once you complete the teleporter event, a special blue portal will spawn that will teleport you to the Bazaar Between Time as opposed to the next stage. There is also a small chance that the blue portal will be there naturally when a stage creates itself.

22 Egocentrism

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (4)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Every 3 seconds, gain an orbiting bomb

Every 60 seconds, an item in your inventory will randomly turn into an Egocentrism

Egocentrism was introduced in the Survivors Of The Void update, and if you like it, you'll have a lot of them in your inventory. This is because every 60 seconds, an item in your inventory will randomly turn into an Egocentrism. Every three seconds, a bomb forms that will detonate when near enemies. Each stack gives you a maximum of three bombs, with an extra per stack.

Egocentrism is fun, but it can be run-ending if you're not prepared to lose your other items. The items that transform can be of any rarity, meaning if you have a fantastic red item it can be reduced to an Egocentrism.

Synergizing Items

  • Gnarled Woodsprite
  • Royal Capacitor
  • The Crowdfunder

Best Survivor For Item: Engineer

21 Eulogy Zero

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (5)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Items and equipment have a 5% chance to become a Lunar item

The ability can also be seen as a drawback.

Eulogy Zero might be the safest Lunar item, as it will not actually affect your build at all. What it will affect are the items that spawn in a level. When you have Eulogy Zero, all items that spawn on a level regularly (such as in chests and 3D printers) have a chance to be a Lunar Item instead. There is only a five percent chance but will grow five more percent with each stack.

If you are aiming to get a lot of Lunar Items in your run, picking up Eulogy Zero is a good idea. It will also help you keep your Lunar Coins, as you won't need to be spending them on pods.

20 Light Flux Pauldron

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (6)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Decrease skill cooldown by 50%

Decrease attack speed by 50%

The Light Flux Pauldron is a fantastic Lunar Item for characters that heavily rely on their skills. When you have one, your skills will cool down twice as fast. The trade-off is your attack speed is halved. Attack speed can be very important for certain characters, so it's important to hold off on Light Flux Pauldron unless you're ready for it.


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Characters such as Huntress and Void Fiend should not use this item, as their damage is largely tied to attack speed. Meanwhile, characters like Acrid and Loader can benefit greatly, as their gameplay styles are generally heavily focused on their skills rather than attack speed.

Synergizing Items

  • Irradiant Pearl
  • Soldier's Syringe
  • Berzerker's Pauldron
  • Mocha

Best Survivor For Item: Acrid

19 Stone Flux Pauldron

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (8)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Increase maximum health by 100%

Decrease movement speed by 50%

Similar to the other Pauldron, Stone Flux Pauldron will double one stat and half another. Stone Flux Pauldron doubles your health, with the trade-off of halving your movement speed. If you don't have the right build, the Stone Flux Pauldron can be quite dangerous, as movement speed gets progressively more important over the course of a run.

The movement speed half is permanent, so even picking up movement speed items after will cause them to be much weaker. Some characters can make use of it though, such as Loader, as their momentum-based skills can help keep their movement speed up to mitigate the speed decrease.

Synergizing Items

  • Helfire Tincture
  • N'kuhana's Opinion
  • Mocha
  • Paul's Goat Hooves
  • Energy Drink

Best Survivor For Item: Loader

18 Beads Of Fealty

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (9)

The Beads Of Fealty don't affect anything for stats, and at first glance, they don't do anything. However, if you are carrying the Beads Of Fealty and obliterate yourself at the Obelisk, instead of ending the run, you are taken to a unique area for an alternate final boss. The run ends after this fight.

Since this will end your game, it's important to make sure your hero is stacked up on items before you decide to utilize the Beads Of Fealty.

17 Brittle Crown

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (10)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

30% chance on every hit to gain 2 gold

If you are hit, lose gold equal to your health lost

The Brittle Crown is a way to earn gold quickly to continuously be able to open up new chests as the run progresses. With the Brittle Crown, on every hit, you have a chance to gain two gold. However, if you get hit, you will lose gold equal to the amount of health you lost.

The Brittle Crown is best used with ranged characters like the Huntress since it's much easier to avoid taking damage compared to melee-focused ones.

Synergizing Items

  • The Crowdfunder
  • Tougher Times

Best Survivor For Item: Engineer or Huntress

16 Corpsebloom

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (11)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Heal 100% more

All healing occurs over time

A Corpsebloom can make you quite tanky and can save you in some situations. It will double the amount of healing you get. However, this healing happens over time, at a maximum of ten percent of your health per second.

You can go over this maximum healing restriction if you have a Rejuvenation Rack on you as well.

This healing can be useful for a character like REX whose whole kit is built around using their health.

Synergizing Items

  • Rejuvenation Rack
  • Planula

Best Survivor For Item: REX

15 Defiant Gouge

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (12)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Using a shrine will summon enemies

There is no specified negative, but the enemies scale over time and can kill you.

The Defiant Gouge is a great item to carry around if you want to battle more enemies. When in your inventory, anytime you use a Shrine it will also summon enemies.


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If stacked, the enemies it spawns will be more difficult, and the monsters it summons become harder as the run progresses.

Synergizing Items

  • Artifact of Sacrifice

14 Essence Of Heresy

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (14)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Replace special skill with Ruin

Original special skill no longer available

There are four Lunar items that, when combined, will turn you into the secret survivor known as the Heretic. One of these items is known as Essence of Heresy.

If you pick it up, it replaces your special skill with Ruin. This allows your survivor to stack "Ruin" for ten seconds when you deal damage. You can then activate the skill which causes your stacked Ruin to explode, massively damaging the enemy you were hitting. This is a great skill to use against boss monsters or those with large health pools.

Best Survivor For Item: Commando

13 Focused Convergence

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (15)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Teleporters charge 30% faster

Teleporter zone is 50% smaller

Focused Convergence is the Lunar Item to carry if you want to speed through the teleporter events. With it, the teleporter will charge 30 percent faster; however, the size of the teleporter zone will shrink by 50 percent. Since there's no time limit to teleporter events, this downside is rather minor.

A Focused Convergence is a solid pick for close-quarters characters like the Mercenary since the shrunken radius likely won't affect them.

12 Gesture Of The Drowned

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (16)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Reduce Equipment cooldown by 50%

Equipment automatically activates after cooldown

Gesture Of The Drowned can be one of the best Lunar Items if paired with the right equipment. When in your inventory, it will reduce how long it takes for your equipment to charge by fifty percent. The downside is that the equipment will activate as soon as the cooldown finishes.

Most characters can take advantage of this, but melee-centric characters may be saved by this if caught in a bad situation.

Synergizing Items

  • Fuel Cell
  • War Horn
  • The Back-up
  • Ocular HUD
  • Soulbound Catalysts

11 Hooks Of Heresy

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (17)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Replace secondary skill with Slicing Maelstrom

Original secondary skill no longer available

Along with Strides of Heresy, Essence of Heresy, and Visions of Heresy, Hooks of Heresy is a Lunar Item that helps to unlock the Heretic. As with the other Heresy items, when you pick up the Hooks, it replaces one of your character's skills with something new.

In this case, it replaces your secondary skill with Slicing Maelstrom. It charges up a shot that deals damage as it passes by enemies and then explodes after three seconds.

Best Survivor For Item: Captain

10 Mercurial Rachis

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (18)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Creates a Ward of Power randomly on every map

Buffs allies and enemies alike

The Mercurial Rachis is a bit of a gamble, that both hurts and benefits enemies and allies alike. It will create a Ward Of Power in a random location on the map. Every character inside of the ward, friend and foe alike, will deal fifty percent more damage to everything else.

Ranged characters such as MUL-T can take advantage best since they can camp out in the Ward Of Power more easily.

Synergizing Items

  • Focus Crystal
  • Rose Buckler
  • Power Elixir

Best Survivor For Item: Engineer or MUL-T

9 Purity

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (19)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

All skill cooldowns are reduced by 2 seconds

All effects roll a second time for a worse outcome.

Purity is the opposite of the 57 Leaf Clover but with the right build is still solid. It will reduce the cooldown of all your skills by two seconds; however, makes all random effects roll an additional time for a harmful outcome. If an item reaches 100 percent chance (such as Lens-Maker's Glasses), then it will never be affected by bad luck.

Purity is best used on a build with items that can reach 100 percent luck, as it will never be affected by Purity's downside.

Synergizing Items

  • Lens-Maker's Glasses
  • Sticky Bomb
  • Tri-Tip Dagger
  • Ghor's Tome

Best Survivor For Item: Artificer

8 Shaped Glass

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (20)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Base damage increased by 100%

Reduce maximum health by 50%

Shaped Glass, as the name implies, makes your character into a glass canon. When you have it, your base damage is amplified by 100 percent. However, the trade-off is that your maximum health is reduced by 50 percent.


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Be wary though, if you collect any more than 127 Shaped Glasses, you will be killed, albeit rewarded with a unique death animation. Shaped Glass is perfect for ranged characters but can be dangerous for those that have to get in close to deal damage.

Synergizing Items

  • Tougher Times
  • Repulsion Armor Plate
  • Topaz Brooch

Best Survivor For Item: Railgunner

7 Strides Of Heresy

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (22)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Replace utility skill with Shadowfade

Original utility skill no longer available

The Strides Of Heresy is one of the Lunar Items that replace one of the skills of your character. When in your inventory, it will replace your Utility Skill with Shadowfade. Shadowfade makes you intangible and boosts up your movement speed by thirty percent. You will also recover 18.2 percent of your maximum health during this.

Shadowfade is a solid choice for close-quarters characters since it helps them to escape tough situations should they ever be put in them.

Best Survivor For Item: Commando or REX

6 Transcendence

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (23)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Convert all but 1 HP to shields and gain 50% more HP

Healing items are basically worthless

Transcendence is a unique item that will replace all of your health except one with regenerating shields. You also gain 50 percent maximum health in the process that is changed to shields. Healing items don't affect shields and are considered dead in your inventory. It should also be avoided as REX since you will be unable to leech health at all.

Transcendence is helpful for characters that can easily escape from confrontations such as Acrid since they can get into a position to recharge easier.

Synergizing Items

  • Infusion
  • Old War Stealthkit

Best Survivor For Item: Captain

5 Visions Of Heresy

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (24)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Replace primary skill with Hungering Gaze

Original primary skill no longer available

Like the other Heresy Lunar Item, Visions Of Heresy replaces a skill — this time your Primary Skill with Hungering Gaze. Hungering Gaze sends tons of tracking shards out that explode after a brief delay. These dish out 120 percent base damage. You can hold up to 12 charges, of which reload every two seconds.

Characters with weaker primary fires can take advantage of it, such as the Commando and Artificer, whose Primary Skills fall off in later parts of runs.

Best Survivor For Item: Artificer

4 Effigy Of Grief (Equipment)

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (25)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

All characters are slowed by 50% with armor reduced by 20

This affects players too

Effigy Of Grief is a Lunar Equipment Item that acts as a debuff to everyone around it. When used, Effigy Of Grief drops itself permanently which will slow down all characters within its radius by 50 percent.


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In addition, it reduces their armor by 20. You can carry up to five Effigy Of Griefs. Effigy Of Grief is best used with ranged characters, as they can avoid being within its debuff zone.

Synergizing Items

  • Death Mark
  • Ben's Raincoat

3 Glowing Meteorite (Equipment)

Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (27)

Item Ability

Item Drawback

Rains meteors from the sky

This affects players too

The Glowing Meteorite is a Lunar Equipment that is incredibly powerful. The downside to this is that it's powerful against everyone, including allies. Glowing Meteorite causes meteors to rain down from the sky. Each blast will deal out 600 percent damage with each blast to everyone (including yourself and allies) hit. The meteor storm it causes lasts for a total of 20 seconds.

Glowing Meteorite is useful for characters like Acrid and the Mercenary who can escape out of the range of Glowing Meteorite easier and ranged characters like Huntress you can avoid being in the range of in the first place.

Synergizing Items

  • Soulbound Catalyst
  • Fuel Cell
  • Equipment Drone
Risk Of Rain 2: What Every Lunar Item Does (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.