1. Carola Colombo - Actress - e-TALENTA
Bevat niet: problematic | Resultaten tonen met:problematic
Profile of Carola Colombo with agency, contacts, CV, showreel, photos on e-TALENTA, the casting platform for Europe
2. C. Colombo (intervista 1 luglio 2020) | C Mosca on Conflict Transformation
1 jul 2020 · Carola Colombo è commercialista a Milano e dal 2002 è pure mediatrice. Lo fa part-time (la cosa occupa almeno 1/4 del suo tempo lavorativo) ...
Carola Colombo è commercialista a Milano e dal 2002 è pure mediatrice. Lo fa part-time (la cosa occupa almeno 1/4 del suo tempo lavorativo) ed opera sostanzialmente su casi affidatile da organismi ex decreto 28/2010. Ha avuto una formazione-base Harvard-style approfondendo però anche il counseling (nell’ottica di Carl Rogers) e la mediazione familiare.
3. Overview of Past Events - Amsterdam Centre for European Studies - ACES
On this page you can find information about the past events and find direct links to our YouTube channel for recordings of online events.
Overview of Past Events
4. [PDF] Executive functioning and divergent thinking predict creative problem ...
Such a result is consistent with the study by Colombo et al. (2018) on the relationship between creativity and cogni- tive reserve, who found a positive ...
5. Carola Colombo - Voice Squad
Bevat niet: problematic | Resultaten tonen met:problematic
6. Going Viral: How Fear, Socio-Cognitive Polarization and ... - Frontiers
11 jan 2021 · This natural inclination toward information seeking may become problematic ... *Correspondence: Carola Salvi, carola.salvi@austin.utexas.edu.
In times of uncertainty, people often seek out information to help alleviate fear, possibly leaving them vulnerable to false information. During the COVID-19...
7. [PDF] Delft University of Technology Dutch connections Essays on ...
22 dec 2020 · Carola Hein, Professor and Chair of the History of Architecture and Urban ... translation of colour to black and white is problematic. It is ...
While urbanisation in and of itself is not inherently problematic, the pace and sheer scale of urbanisation has, in many places, far exceeded local government ...
9. [PDF] the sccs notes of guidance for the testing of cosmetic ingredients and ...
13 okt 2022 · Basketter, D. A., Andersen, K. E., Carola, C., Van Loveren, H ... Colombo, P., Goumperis, T.,. Pasinato, L., Torres, R. R., & Afonso, A ...
10. Teaching staff - World Politics and International Relations
Colombo, M. Koenig-Archibugi and V.E. Parsi), “La politica dell'abbondanza ... Further information is available here. Carola Ricci. Carola Ricci is ...
can be problematic for synergy and cooperation within an AKIS. Education is ... Carola Ketelhodt, Innovationsbüro EIP Agrar, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
12. Round Tables - WCP 2024 - World Congress of Philosophy
Therefore, Aesthetics of Thought is not only an aesthetic but an ethical, political and ontological project. Bad persons: if only moral virtue was built from ...
The Organizing Committee invites proposals for round tables on specific topics.
13. Nearly 30 Years of Animal Models to Study Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
12 nov 2021 · Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal, multigenic, multifactorial, and non-cell autonomous neurodegenerative disease characterized ...
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal, multigenic, multifactorial, and non-cell autonomous neurodegenerative disease characterized by upper and lower motor neuron loss. Several genetic mutations lead to ALS development and many emerging ...
14. Cohort Profile of the Chilean COVID-19 Biorepository - medRxiv
21 dec 2023 · Silva, Carola Otth, View ORCID ProfileCappelli L. Claudio, Héctor ... problematic information. There were no control or reliable ...
Purpose Molecular mechanisms underlying COVID-19 susceptibility and severity are still poorly understood. The presence of genetic risk factors associated with ethnic background has been suggested, highlighting non-European ancestry as a risk factor for hospitalization in the United States. However, the representation of non-European populations in genomic case-control and cohort studies remains insufficient, and Latin American populations have been significantly understudied. Addressing this gap, we established The Chilean COVID-19 Biorepository, a multicentric endeavor comprising high-quality biological samples and associated data collected throughout Chile under stringent biobanking standards that ensure high quality, reproducibility, and interoperability. Participants The Chilean COVID-19 Biorepository was established by a network of nine nodes distributed in five macro-zones nationwide. The study enrolled adult participants living in Chile who had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection and provided broad written informed consent. Blood samples were collected with EDTA and processed to store blood, plasma, buffy-coat, and DNA. Quality control measures, such as Standard Preanalytical Code (SPREC), incident reporting, DNA concentration, and absorbance ratio (260/280), were implemented to ensure the reliability and quality of the collected samples. Sociodemographic data, habits, clinical information, use of medications, and preexisting pathologies were registered. A weekly...